Jack Zamora MD Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetics

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Updated Covid Mask Mandate

Updated Public Health Order

Continued safety for patients and staff

In accordance with the recent Denver County Public Heath Executive Order, starting on Friday, February 4, 2022 masks and proof of vaccination are no longer required for entry into businesses.

We will continue to monitor state and federal healthcare guidelines and make updates to our policies as needed.

Masks are no longer required to enter our office and can be worn at your own discretion.

We are unable to accept any walk-in appointments for services at this time and ask you schedule your appointment in advance. No additional treatment add-ons will be allowed the same day as your service. Please schedule all services in advance, we encourage pre-booking 1-2 months in advance.

Please enter our building at your exact appointment time. Please wait in your car if you are early. If you are more than 10-minutes late will be unable to treat you and we will reschedule your appointment upon your arrival.

Please wait two weeks after receiving a COVID-19 Vaccine before scheduling Botox, Dermal Filler or surgical procedures. Rare and mild side effects, such as inflammation and swelling have occurred in patients after receiving vaccines. Please contact our office with questions.

If you are new or an existing patient and have not completed or updated your patient paperwork in 2022, please click the link provided in your appointment confirmation to update your paperwork. Please contact our office with questions.

If you are having injectable services, please be sure your Alle´ or Aspire Rewards Coupons are pulled up and activated on your mobile device before your appointment. We will be unable to do this for you.

Guests are encouraged to maintain 6-ft social distancing as much as possible when in our offices. All treatment rooms, lobbies, equipment, and points of contact are disinfected and sanitized regularly. Interaction in our lobbies will be as touch-free as possible.

If you have tested positive for COVID-19 or have symptoms, or if you live with someone with COVID-19 or someone with symptoms, notify our office immediately and we can reschedule your appointment. Symptoms include fever, dry cough, sore throat, fever, chills, shaking, muscle pain, headache, new loss of taste or smell.